
In Distorted Perception, author Trish Arrowsmith weaves a riveting domestic suspense thriller that will captivate the reader's attention from beginning to end.
The reader follows the story of Kathleen, a twenty-six year old teacher who met Maxwell Lewis, a lawyer at a local youth baseball game. She was so taken in by his charm and blinded by love, that she didn't realize that the short whirlwind romance would lead to a marriage to a man who would completely manipulate and take control of her life.
Distorted Perception is a slow-building, multi-layered, gripping, and complex story that has a great mixture of intrigue, secrets, deceit, manipulation, dark pasts, suspenseful twists and turns, and enough tension and drama that will keep the reader thoroughly engaged and riveted until the surprising conclusion.
You can't help but feel the full gamut of emotions as you follow Kathleen's heartwrenching story of domestic violence. As you turn the pages of this very harrowing and dark story, the intensity of the story grows until the unexpected surprise ending that will simply leave you stunned and at a loss for words.

Terrifying - in exactly every way I want my suspense reads to be! Trish Arrowsmith captures every aspect of how easily a man can charm and then deceive. Kathleen's journey is all too common, but this unique story spin is riveting, spine-tingling, and heart-wrenching.
Kathleen is trusting and wants to do right by Maxwell, but when his dark side is revealed, it is far worse than I could have ever imagined. The images are vivid, pulling all five senses into the equation and the characters are realistic, making the emotions settle into your bones. Although parts are a bit painful to read, they were crucial to prepare you for the shock of an ending.
I physically sat with my copy of the book between my hands, not speaking, processing every word I had just read. How can you describe an incredible piece of writing that left you speechless? I would love to see this turned into a movie that depicts every moment from cover to cover. It is a phenomenal piece of work that earned a forever spot on my bookshelf!

Distorted Perception was a emotional read that for some may be triggering. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading the book, but certainly not the twists that came my way. There are all types of feeling found in this book, death, abuse, betrayal and how easy it is to be manipulated into a situation that you can't get out of. Although the ending was not what I would have wanted to see as the outcome, it didn't detract from the storyline. Once I started the book it was hard to put down, as I was wanting to see what would happen next. I would recommend this book to others.

This was a book that made you hurt inside for the character Kathleen but at the same time you could not put it down because you had to find out more. Arrowsmith did a fantastic job capturing the feeling and emotions of readers and help them to understand how somehow can fine themselves themselves into a domestic violence situation. The book shows how a person can be captivated and charmed by their abuser who they think can complete their lives. This is a story well written with details right on point and was not repetitive, had a great storyline flow and easy to follow. For anyone that has ever been in a domestic violence situation or has had a family member who was, this book is very candid and could be a difficult read but at the same time maybe help them understand "why" a little bit more. The author writes with care and compassion and pulls you in from page one. There were times in the story that I found myself feeling so much emotion for Kathleen and I found myself in tears. Domestic violence is about much more than hitting. It is about betrayal, lies, and control. As I was reading, I was asking myself why and how. Would I be able to tell if I was in that situation? At what point would I realize it and walk away... or would I? The ending was definitely not want I expected. You will read and then at the end say "WOW" Thumbs up to the author. The author has another book called "Nursery Rhymes" that I am definitely going to be reading.

Wow, just wow. Coming from someone who has dealt with mental abuse first hand, and has seen family members deal with all types of abuse, this book was amazing. The way Trish captured all the feelings that come along with it was just hands down amazing. It was very hard for me to put down this book. I would absolutely recommend this book to everyone and anyone just as long you don't get serious triggers from the events I mentioned above.

This is a novel packed with emotional depth and bursting with trigger situations. It explores the character changes often described as the Stockholm Syndrome. It is when individuals develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time and that is what happens here.
This book may be difficult for some to read, as it was for me. It explores many abusive and controlling actions in depth, something hard to read without being affected. The novel also has infant death, marital infidelity, physical abuse, betrayal, and much more. And the end. Well, just be prepared to be jolted.
This book is a well written exploration of how a person may be captivated by sweet words yet end up in a situation of physical and emotional terror.

Amazon Customer
"Very creative and a really good story line. I honestly had no idea who the kidnapper was. The characters were well developed and left me wanting to learn more. Some instances jumped around quickly but overall I liked how fast paced it was. (Not a lot of hum drum boring details). Reminded me of James Patterson novels. They are always well detailed but a fast paced read. The ending was an unexpected twist! You will not be disappointed. Looking forward to the next one from Trish Arrowsmith!"

Amazon Customer
"Love the surprise ending."

Amazon Customer
"Nursery's Rhyme clearly shows that Trish Arrowsmith is an unusually talented crime writer with a bright future. Hers is the first novel in many years that I've been unable to stop reading. Arrowsmith strikes a perfect balance in blending description and action. The reader follows the story's movement effortlessly. Excellent character development. I found myself anticipating their actions and fascinated by their comments. I kept thinking over the implications of times, places and evidence. Still, I did not correctly anticipate the ending! Yes! I was blown away!"

Amazon Customer
"Very interesting and fun to read. Lots of twists and turns to keep me turning the pages. Really great story that I highly recommend!"

Amazon Customer
"Fantastic suspenseful thriller that I couldn't put down and made me constantly wonder and guess who was behind the series of abductions. I also really enjoyed how Rock and Dixie are such wonderfully well-rounded and interesting main characters... definitely not the typical detectives. An overall fabulous read!!"

Amazon Customer
"I loved this story! I highly recommend it. It held my interest from beginning to end and I love a good mystery!"

Amazon Customer
"The story kept me on my toes as I tried to connect the dots! Hard to put down, wanted to keep reading!"

Amazon Customer
"Great story. Well written, I was engaged the entire time. I couldn't wait to see what happened next. I am very eager to see what this author writes next. Highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys reading."

Amazon Customer
"I just finished reading this book today, I loved it...I couldn't stop reading because I wanted to see what happened next."